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Frequently asked questions

Here you will find frequently asked questions. If a question is not listed, please email us

Talk to the primary school and ask what they think would best suit your child. Also discuss with the group 8 teacher what you think suits your child best. In a pre-university education (VWO)/higher general secondary education (HAVO), we assume that a student can at least achieve havo and, with extra effort and potential, may also be able to reach a VWO level. If a student has to work hard to get to havo, but if lower general secondary education (MAVO) is certainly within reach, then HAVO/MAVO is a good option.

We teach at the higher level, with the appropriate teaching material and at the appropriate pace. We also test at the higher level and standardize at the lower level, so that the students who will fit best there can also achieve a good result in the following year.

No, unfortunately that is not possible.

Yes, this is possible. However, the first school year must be fully completed unless this jeopardises a student’s transition.

We have a care office with associated care coordinators. They will discuss with you, your parent(s)/carer(s) and your primary school what is best for you. Every pupil who needs extra care and attention is discussed individually.

Are you an international student? If so, you can follow a special NT2 program at the Henegouwenlaan location. This is for students who have an international background but do not yet have a sufficient command of the Dutch language. You will receive extra Dutch lessons: specially tailored to your needs. In addition to the extra Dutch lessons, you will follow the normal schedule together with your class.

The goal of this guidance is to strengthen your Dutch, so that you can successfully pass your final exam, at whatever level.

For students who are learning the Dutch language, it is essential that they are exposed to Dutch as much as possible. Therefore, we recommend that these students enter the NTO (Dutch-speaking Education mavo/havo/vwo) and not the TTO (Bilingual Education).

Is this not the international programme you are looking for? Our school is part of SILFO. SILFO is an educational organisation in Eindhoven that offers students various international programmes at three different schools.

Click here for more information about the programmes.

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