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Drama teacher

Mrs. A. (Amanda) Dekker

Learning coaching
Through the app the class has with the mini-coach, I receive messages from students who want to have a quick word with me. I like quick, because I understand that all my students’ questions are really important! Students know they can trust me. These conversations are mostly about school: such as homework, planning or how best to learn. Also, sometimes the coach questions are about home or friendships. This is possible because we create a safe situation here at school and because there is a lot of connection with each other.”

It’s all about you
I call my students ‘Sunshines’ so everyone is the same. For me, it doesn’t matter what diagnosis or background you have. You are safe in my class and there is no bullying or discrimination in my classes. I am very direct about this: no fuss, accept each other as you are.

Creative subjects are important at our school. In the drama subject, you learn a lot about yourself, reflect on yourself and discover the concept of empathy, as you play different role-plays all the time. Mavo and havo students can even choose drama as a final exam subject at our school. At mavo level, you then receive drama in all four years and at havo level in years 1, 4 and 5. We round off this subject with home-made performances in the Park Theatre.

Being human
This school suits me because there are many nationalities and cultures. Here I can be human and be myself. In addition, I learn more and more about myself through the pupils and colleagues. Learning and discovering together, that’s what I convey to my pupils.

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