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Our School

Who are we

Stedelijk College Eindhoven is a public secondary school with two locations. The location at Henegouwenlaan is the largest location with approximately 1475 students and 170 staff members.

At our school you learn new things and students find a place where they quickly feel at home. At our school you can be yourself and continue to develop. The most important thing is that you feel comfortable at our school. We are convinced that you have to feel good about yourself in order to get the most out of yourself. And that is what we strive for. Students who feel good about themselves ultimately get better grades. At our school, your path and your future are central!

It’s all about you

We are a school that dares to be at the forefront of new developments that benefit students. Based on our vision of learning, in the coming years we will gradually stimulate the ownership of pupils in their learning process. Already now, students are actively participating in the participation council and the student parliament.

It will increasingly be possible for students to determine their own route in learning, both inside and outside the classroom. In that respect, we are a no-nonsense school.

Here you are allowed to be who you are. Nothing is a point, you can dress however you want and there is plenty of room for extras. Our school is all about commitment and we pass that feeling on to our students. The relationship between our teachers and students is always based on trust. Everyone belongs and we are proud of that!

Care and attention for all

We offer customized learning support for all students. There are several options from which you can choose. For example, more- and highly gifted students follow a program in which they are guided and learn about functioning in social-emotional areas, among others. Students with an international background who have difficulty with the Dutch language receive customized NT2 guidance.

Furthermore, we offer extra support from referral by the learning coach. This when, for example, another specialist needs to be involved, such as a school psychologist or a dean.

Global Citizenship

Our education is delivered in a context-rich learning environment that is international minded. Thus, the world curriculum competence is woven into our education. Model United Nations (MUN) has now become a household name. We have our own MUNsce and they organise a major annual conference for and by students from our school.

Language-friendly school

At our school, we pay a lot of attention to multilingualism. Actually, everyone is multilingual, because almost everyone speaks more than one language, such as English. Being multilingual has many advantages: it comes in handy when you travel, you are more likely to perform better and you can make decisions faster. For this reason, we are a language-friendly school. We welcome and value all languages spoken at school. In addition, we recognise and embrace the multilingualism and cultural backgrounds of our students.

As a language-friendly school, we offer the following languages Chinese, Russian and Arabic, in addition to additional French (Delf Scolaire), Spanish (DELE) and German (Goethe).

A healthy school

Attention to health and conscious living is getting more and more attention. And rightly so, because health is an important topic and inextricably linked to your well-being. We are a healthy school and also want to make it easier for your parents/carers to raise you healthily. Besides the family, the school is an obvious environment for promoting a healthy lifestyle. Together with your classmates, at our school you will explore topics such as exercise & sports and smoking, alcohol & drug prevention.

View our school guide here

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