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Extra study help and support

Extra help
In addition to the plus hours, we also offer social skills training and anxiety reduction training. There is also the possibility of using a time-out card and we have an Intermezzo room where you can go if you cannot attend all classes.

Learning coach
Your learning coach is your first point of contact and there are also mini-coaches to whom you may ask questions. We carefully coordinate for each student whether more support is needed. Should it appear that another specialist (school psychologist, school social worker or a dean) needs to be involved, we will take care of this. Of course, we will always do this in consultation with you and your parent(s)/guardian(s).

Study coaching, homework help and tutoring
For study coaching, homework help and tutoring you can contact Lyceo. They have their own place in our school building. We also have upper school students who can provide tutoring services.

Any questions?
For questions, please contact us by phone on 040-264 57 77 or by email:

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