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Gifted students

At Stedelijk College Eindhoven, we pay a lot of attention to the pupil.
We find it important that pupils feel comfortable and enjoy going to school.

In addition to a wide range of subjects and activities, we have a specialised offer for cognitively talented pupils, such as a peer group for gifted and highly talented students and the new Challenge Programme, a challenging and personalised programme. Pupils can participate in these programmes on the basis of the results of the CBO screening, among other things. This screening takes place at the beginning of the school year and provides insight into pupils’ capabilities and potential.

The aim of this widening programme is to do justice to pupils’ capacities and motivation.


Stedelijk College Eindhoven participates in POINT040.
POINT stands for Appropriate Education for Every New Talent, 040 stands for the Eindhoven region.

POINT is a workshop focused on educational research. Primary school teachers, pabo teachers, scientists and students together investigate how to improve appropriate education for gifted and highly talented pupils in particular. Scientific research is carried out in the workshop by university scientists as well as practical research by teachers. The research questions of the scientific research come from the POINT teachers. The POINT teachers also contribute ideas on, for instance, the information letter to parents and they coordinate the data collection within their school.

Click here for more information about POINT040.

Any questions?

If there are any questions, you can always ask via email or call 040-264 57 77.

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