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Mavo stands for secondary general secondary education. This course is also called vmbo-t and lasts four years.

We encourage taking final exams in seven subjects. As a result, we train you not only for the transition to the mbo (level 3/4), but also for a good transition to the fourth year of the havo. That is why we pay extra attention to general education and career orientation and counseling (LOB).

With this level you start in the first year in a mavo or (bilingual) havo/mavo class.

Starting in school year 2025-2026, we no longer offer bilingual mavo in the bridge class. But we have a great alternative! You can follow an enhanced English program.

This program is specially tailored to your level, determined by a placement test. In addition to the regular English classes, you will receive one hour of extra lessons per week. During these extra lessons you will work on different projects. If you are already good at English, you will be extra challenged. Do you have difficulty with the language? Then you work on your English step by step and with more confidence. There is always a suitable program for you!

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