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Information about The Campus for parent(s)/caregiver(s)

Information about The Campus for parent(s)/caregiver(s)

On The Campus:

  • Is there freedom of choice within tight frameworks. Students learn to deal with these choices by learning to think critically. Mistakes are allowed on The Campus.
  • Students of all levels work together. This allows each student to work at the highest/best fit level.
  • Go to the Oude Bossche Baan for an entire school day to gain hands-on experiences. Think food lab, sports lab, technolab, onstage lab and ecolab.
  • All subjects work together on a theme (unit). This allows for more responsiveness to the student’s experience.
  • No grades are given. There is formative work and testing on the process. By means of rubrics, practical assignments, interim tests, assessments and assignments, the student is discussed on which level (basic, developing, mastering) he or she is working. In this way, during the process it can already be seen how a student is performing and whether he or she needs extra challenge or help. Ultimately, it is determined which level best suits the student and at which level he or she will move on to upper school.
  • Are students just like in the departments are ordinary students of our school. Thus, they have break time with the other students at the same time, join activities such as the bridge camp and receive the same care as other students, such as the possibility of taking plus hours.
  • They work with IMYC, a curriculum that is in line with the core objectives formulated by the government (SLO). Per subject area it is different whether a textbook, digital method or other method is used. In each method there is the possibility to work at different levels. Students are followed through the student monitoring system Schoolpoort. Assignments are prepared there and made and handed in by the students.
  • If after some time it appears that the Campus really does not suit the student, a transfer to regular can be made. This of course always in consultation with the learning coach, parents and student.
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