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International Student Programme (NT2)

NT2 guidance

What is NT2?
NT2 means Dutch as a second language, in which case Dutch is not the mother tongue.

At the Henegouwenlaan location we have a TaalLokaal. Here we work in small groups with NT2 teachers and students who need NT2.

Personal guidance
We look at each NT2-student’s needs through an intake and/or intake test. Based on that, we determine how many hours of NT2 is needed and for how long. So you are in a regular class, but a few hours a week you go to the TaalLokaal. There is an NT2 coordinator who makes a schedule for each student as the year progresses. You will also receive support on homework and learning to learn.

The goal of the guidance is to strengthen the Dutch language so that every student can successfully progress to the final exam, at whatever level.

For students who are learning the Dutch language, it is essential that they are exposed to Dutch as much as possible. Therefore, we recommend that these students enter the NTO (Dutch-speaking Education mavo/havo/vwo) and not the TTO (Bilingual Education mavo/havo/vwo).

Which students are eligible for the TaalLokaal?

  • You have been in the Netherlands for less than 6 years (you are then entitled to NT2 tutoring).
  • You have the ambition to obtain a Dutch-language diploma.
  • You intend to stay in the Netherlands for a longer period of time and you feel the need to integrate permanently into Dutch society.
  • Your parents are internationals and you are currently attending a regular elementary school in the Netherlands, but do not yet have a good enough command of the Dutch language.
  • You have attended a year of classes at an international secondary school in the Netherlands, but your command of the Dutch language is not yet good enough.

International programmes at other locations within our educational foundation (SILFO)

Our school is part of Stichting Internationaal en Lokaal Funderend Onderwijs (SILFO). They offer public and general special education in which they also focus on providing international education. At several locations within our foundation, there are various opportunities to follow international programmes.

Click here for more information about the international programmes at the other locations within SILFO.

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