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VWO-atheneum & VWO-gymnasium

Vwo stands for preparatory scientific education.
Within the vwo, you can choose from two streams with us:

  • atheneum;
  • gymnasium.

In principle, both streams are the same, but in gymnasium you also study the classical languages Latin and Greek. You will eventually have to take your final exams in one of these two classical languages. Both streams last six years and after graduation you can go to university. There is no level difference between atheneum and gymnasium.

With a vwo level, you can start with us in the following bridging classes:

  • (bilingual) vwo-atheneum/havo
  • (bilingual) vwo-atheneum
  • (bilingual) vwo-gymnasium

Do you love English and would like to learn to speak it fluently?
Then choose our bilingual program at the vwo level!

With at least 40% of your classes in English, you will learn the language quickly and effortlessly. Is your English not so good yet? No problem, because so much is spoken in that language, you’ll naturally learn to read, speak and write it fluently! You will learn to present, debate, go on field trips and participate in exchanges. This makes your school time not only instructive, but also super interesting and challe

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