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Stichting Internationaal en Lokaal Funderend Onderwijs (SILFO)

We offer public and general special education with SILFO, with our primary and secondary schools. We also focus on providing international education. The Stedelijk College Eindhoven (locations Oude Bossche Baan and Henegouwenlaan), the International School Eindhoven, Strabrecht College, Global College Eindhoven, primary school Beneden Beekloop and primary school De Ganzebloem are part of this foundation with their seven locations. Almost 900 employees provide education to over 5,300 pupils on a daily basis.

SILFO stands for excellent education in an international top technology region and provides primary and secondary education in the Eindhoven region.

This is SILFO:

Caring and caring for each other and society.

Working together, actively seeking connections and creating networks.

Using all our creativity and inspiration with the aim of providing our best education with as many opportunities as possible.

Celebrating successes and learning from mistakes: education is never finished.

Visit for more information.




Feel at home at our schools!

Where you feel at home, you lay the foundation for good education. We encourage students and employees to discover and further develop their talents.

For us, our schools and structures are built to feel like a home. A home where you can grow, which can feel like a real home!

Ms. drs. P. (Petra) de Bruijn MBA & mr. drs. M. (Meine) Stoker
Executive Board SILFO

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