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I have a question, now what?

Do you have a question about what to do if you are sick or late. Or would you like more information about requesting leave, extra care or participation in a trip.
Then you’re on the right page!

Take a look below to find out more about our procedures. Is the answer not listed?
Then of course you can always call or send an e-mail. You can find our contact details here.

Sick at home
A sick call should be communicated by your parent/guardian by phone (040-264 59 92) between 08.00-10.00 hours. Your parent/guardian will then enter a selection menu where they can choose from the following options:

Option 1: for mavo and the campus.
Option 2: for havo and vwo.

If the teaching assistants are not available at that time, your parent/guardian will automatically be transferred to the front desk. The receptionist will then take the sick call. If necessary, one of the teaching assistants will contact them at a later time.

Sick during class
You report to the teaching assistant. This will contact home and together they will decide if it is better to go home.

Regular absenteeism
In case of regular absenteeism, the learning coach and/or student affairs coordinator will discuss this with you, your parent(s)/guardian(s) and a letter will be sent home.
If the absenteeism then persists, a report will be made to the GGD. This will contact your parent(s)/guardian(s).

At our school we think it is important that everyone is neatly in class on time. If you are late, you must report the next day before 8 a.m.

It can happen to anyone that you are late or that reporting the next day is very inconvenient. For these cases you can use a joker 2x per school year. This should be discussed in advance with the teaching assistant. You do not have to report then.

Repeated tardies
If you are 5 times late, a letter will be sent home. If you are 10 times late, compulsory education will be called in and if you are 15 times late, you will be summoned by compulsory education.

Not reported
If you have not reported the day after you were late, the report remains open. You have to report the next day and have to stay after school.

If you missed a test due to a valid reason, you must make it up.

During class
If the test was missed during class, contact your teacher as soon as possible and agree on a new date to catch up.
Attention!!! This is your own responsibility. A missed test must be made up as soon as possible and will be marked in SOM with an *.
Failure to make up the test may result in a 1.0.

During the test week
If you have missed a test during the testing week, there are catch-up days immediately following the testing week. You will be told when the catch-up days are and the subject teacher will tell you at what time you should catch up the test. This is also your own responsibility.

Many missed tests
It may happen that you have missed several tests (e.g. due to prolonged absences). You will then sit down with your learning coach as soon as possible to make a schedule for the missed tests.

Right of resit
If you miss or fail a test without permission, you are not entitled to a resit or catch-up test (in junior high).

Truancy is not permitted
For each lesson missed, you will have to stay past two lessons at a time that the teaching assistant schedules you for this. You will find this time in your timetable.

Repeated truancy
After 5x truancy hours, a letter will be sent home and compulsory education will be called in.

We like to keep things tidy and pleasant in class. If you do not contribute to this, a teacher may decide to expel you from class with a yellow card.


1 yellow card
You leave the class and go and get a yellow card from the teaching assistant in 2.32 (lower school) or 9.42 (upper school).

You fill in the yellow card and return to the teacher after class for a discussion. The teacher also fills in the yellow card, decides whether there will be a sanction and informs parents and the student affairs coordinator.

You take the yellow card to the student affairs coordinator and discuss the card. The coordinator also fills in the card.

You take the card home and discuss it with your parent(s)/carer(s).

2 yellow cards
You will receive a warning for internal suspension.

3 yellow cards
For 3 yellow cards in a school year, an internal suspension follows. A letter will go home and your parent(s)/carer(s) will be informed.

You may need extra care or attention. There are several steps that can be taken to engage this care:

The learning coach
The learning coach is the first point of contact. Together with your parents, discuss with the learning coach what is going on and find out what the options are.

The learning coordinator
Is more needed than what the learning coach can offer? Through the student affairs coordinator, the care team can be called in. This creates more opportunities for support.

Care & attention
At our school, extra support can be offered in areas such as autism, adhd, mhb, high sensitivity and dyslexia. We can offer support and advice specifically for each pupil. We work together with student counsellors, student coaches, the Public Health Service, the school psychologist, school social work, the partnership and other (external) experts. Click here for more information on care & attention.

Various trips are organised at our school. You will hear in good time which trip applies to you, when it will take place, where it is going and what the rules regarding this trip are.

Bilingual Education (TTO) trips
Trips in bilingual education are compulsory! They are part of the curriculum and lessons and necessary for the tto certificate. So all tto students, are expected to attend these trips. If you have any questions/concerns, please contact the learning coach.

Optional trips
Most other trips are optional. That means you can choose whether to go along. Information about the trips will be distributed in a timely manner. If you have additional questions, please contact the learning coach.

Home stay programme
For most (optional) trips (where almost an entire class/department goes), a home stay programme applies. You will hear more about this from the learning coach and/or organiser.

There are costs attached to trips. In principle, every pupil may go on a trip, regardless of whether parents/guardians can pay for the trip. However, it is impossible for the school to organise trips when too few parents/guardians pay for them. We therefore ask everyone to pay the invoice for the trip on time. Should this not be possible, you can contact the learning coach and/or organiser of the trip. They can then work with you to find a suitable solution. For a trip to go ahead, a minimum payment of 80% of the trip is required. If this percentage is not met, the trip will not take place.

Additional leave may be requested in very exceptional cases.

Leave requests for (less than) one day
Request in advance via an e-mail to the student affairs coordinator.

Leave requests for more than one day
Leave for more than one day should be requested using an official request form. This can be downloaded below. There are certain rules attached to extra leave by law. These can be found in the application as well as in the link below. We advise you to read these carefully before applying.

The application will be submitted (well in advance) to the student affairs coordinator.

Extra holiday leave
Download the Dutch request form for extra holidays here.
View the rules for requesting extra leave here

Leave for important circumstances
Download the Dutch request form for leave for important circumstances here
Click here to see the rules for requesting leave for important circumstances

Meer informatie over aanmelden schooljaar 2025-2026!